Welcome to the Wild Ones Youngstown Area Chapter website! We are so glad you are here. We hope you grab a cup of tea (or coffee), read our articles, leave some comments, and consider joining Wild Ones today. We would love to have you, your neighbors, your co-workers, and did we mention you… as a member.
Remember from small acorns mighty oaks grow. We believe that the size of our Chapter (currently 19 members) should not be viewed as a roadblock but rather an opportunity and a unique challenge that forces us to be more creative, more engaging, more enticing, more diligent, and above all more environmentally conscious.

Have a photo or photos of your lavish yard… or awe-inspiring garden send them to us via email at [email protected] along with a brief description (what plants are in the photo, why you started the garden, where the garden is just city and state is sufficient, etc.) and we will feature it on our website and Facebook group. Speaking of which do not forget to follow us on Facebook.

Question… have you heard about Aldo Leopold’s “Land Ethic”? If not check out this link: www.aldoleopold.org. If you have virtual high five. He understood the concerns and issues of the natural environment. We should all be more like him.
Lastly, below is a link to an amazing flyer filled with awesome plant / botanical related opportunities.