Recap of Zoom Meetings

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Today I attended two very informative and helpful Zoom meetings. Both were with members of our National Chapter and members of other Seedlings / recently chartered Chapters.

There was so much amazing and useful information. Here is a new link that is very useful: Do not forget networking is key. Word of mouth is essential for growth. The more our community is involved the more we will succeed. Do you know of any other native plant societies or garden groups in our area? What groups or organizations align with our mission and values?  Are there groups on Facebook, Twitter, etc. that are similar to ours? If so, we need to reach out to them. We need to let these potential individuals, organizations, churches, schools, non-profits, and so on, know about Wild Ones (what we do, who we are, our mission, our values, etc.). Side note – please remember you can always email [email protected] (it goes to everyone at the National Chapter). Also, we need to reach out to bird lovers, passionate pollinator supporters (that is how I got involved), etc.! Do you know of any nurseries and / or greenhouses in our area? Does anyone have native plants, garden tools, outdoor sculptures, etc. that we could possibly donate to a community garden on behalf of Wild Ones Youngstown Area Chapter? I know this is a lot to take in, but I am trying to cover everything mentioned in the two Zoom meetings. I sent an email earlier today to current paying / official members with similar information. Stay warm, stay safe, and remember to water your houseplants.