Author: Ashley Arnold Morrow

A little about me... I am a daughter, sister, mother, dog lover and advocate, high school graduate, technical school graduate, college attempter, craftsman style homeowner (believe it is an Aladdin Kit Home), pollinator supporter, and environmentally minded individual. Want to learn more just ask. I am an open book, so to speak.

Native Pollinators

“More than 700 species of native butterflies exist in North America. Butterflies, like all pollinators, areclosely linked to their environments, such that drastic changes in the ecosystem can be devastating to localized populations or species. A butterfly’s life has four stages: egg, caterpillar, pupa, and adult. The habitat needs of the butterfly vary from stage […] Continue reading "Native Pollinators"

Spring Symposium – Registration Required

Wild Ones Youngstown Area Chapter’s 1st Annual Spring Symposium is on Saturday, May 14th, 2022, which happens to be World Migratory Bird Day. Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. approximately maybe 5:00 p.m. depending on how many guests show up and how many questions the two speakers answer. Location: 2101 Hubbard Road Youngstown, Ohio 44505 (corner of Hubbard […] Continue reading "Spring Symposium – Registration Required"

From Our Family to Yours

Hello and welcome to our humble website. We are still new to all this (content creating, social media marketing, zoom meetings, etc.) so please bear with us. We are so happy you decided to stop by and learn more about our little family, our tiny Wild Ones Chapter, and why it is so important that […] Continue reading "From Our Family to Yours"

Recap of Zoom Meetings

Today I attended two very informative and helpful Zoom meetings. Both were with members of our National Chapter and members of other Seedlings / recently chartered Chapters. There was so much amazing and useful information. Here is a new link that is very useful: Do not forget networking is key. Word of mouth is essential for growth. The more our […] Continue reading "Recap of Zoom Meetings"